I have no idea why you are here...
If I say I don't care, it would be a biggggg lie....
But I try to do it, taking this as nothing...
It's really sensitive, you know. Even though it's nothing for you, it is SOMETHING for me...
Alright, I know I am a little bit out of control, and a little bit......anxious...
But I just do not realize your purpose... when seeing this unblievable sight...
You know... it is still hurt......soooo much.....
I can convince others but cannot convince myself that everything was gone....
I don't know whehter IT still has any influence to you, but the only thing I'm sure is that it affects me deeply, still...
I don't want you come not because I hate you, but I am afraid...
I'm afraid that the whole memory come to my mind and upset..., no matter bad or good...
You never know how this feelings is important and precious for me...
Also, you never realize how long I took to brace my heart... how many tears I teared...
Up to now, I haven't expected anything anymore...
The mere hope is that I need an ordinary life, even if being along...
I don't know anything about you now.
But, if you are happy now, congratulation... from my deep heart... really...
And hope you have already found the true love you are looking for...
You know...
What's love...?
As one saying that I heard in these days...
"I love you, so I let you be free..."
Maybe I have to conform with this faith...
When could I face you as nothing happened...?
Perhaps, it's the time that this feelings is gone from my life......
Untill now...
I feel sooooo sorry...... to you...
- Dec 27 Sat 2008 22:01